Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Diana Duncan - Romance writer

Hello Diana,

I really enjoyed your romance novels. I am a big fan of romance.

I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions to post on my book review blog.

Hey there, Julie! Thank you, I'm very flattered that you like my books! I'd be happy to answer a few questions for you.

What is your main inspiration for your novels?
Every book is different. Sometimes I start with a hero, sometimes a heroine, sometimes a place, an object, a quote, a theme, or even a song that inspired me. Two main inspirations really keep me going, however. You'll notice that mainly I write about police officers, soldiers, firefighters, paramedics...because I知 fascinated by real life heroes who walk out the door every day and put their lives on the line to protect all of us, people they don't even know. The second is *blushes* Adrian Paul. His portrayal of Duncan MacLeod in the Highlander television series captured my imagination, and got me started writing. If not for Adrian (and Duncan) I wouldn't be a romance writer today!

What writers did you turn to for guidance?

Well, EVERYTHING by Nora Roberts of course. She can do no wrong! *grin* And her J.D. Robb series is incredible! I've also been a huge fan of the Intimate Moments line by Silhouette for years and years (soon to be renamed Silhouette Romantic Suspense). Nora got her start there, by the way. I read all of their authors, and it was such a huge thrill for me to sell to them! I felt as if I was in the company of royalty when I was able to join a writer's email list with all my favorite authors -- I was shaking the first time I wrote in and introduced myself. (I'm so geeky. *G*) I also adore Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books, what a hoot! Lori Foster is another favorite, as is Karen Marie Moning, Sherrilyn Kenyon ... gosh, there are so many! You should see my house. I literally have bookcases and boxes of books piled in every room. I have this dreaded fear that some day I might run out of stuff to read. *vbg*

The main characters in your stories, are they based on someone you know?
I often use actors or actresses as "hero or heroine models" but just for appearance and body language. But my characters are complete inventions of my wild imagination. They seem like totally real people to me. I even have conversations with them. (No, I do not need my medication adjusted. Ask almost any writer and they will say the same. *G*)

Did you do a lot of traveling when writing your stories?

I have done a ton of traveling in my life...I was an Air Force brat growing up. I also was an international exchange student and spent a semester at St. Andrews University in St. Andrews, Scotland, and after that, a month long voyage on a cruise ship around the Mediterranean -- which is coming in mighty handy (see the next question *G*). I went back to Scotland to research the first novel I wrote (as yet unpublished). It's quite an interesting story and came about because I met another gal on the internet who also loved Duncan MacLeod of Highlander. The full story is on my website under "Innocents Abroad." Now that I have contracts and deadlines, I don't have time to travel much! So I'm glad I have all the previous experiences to draw from.

Is there another novel in the works? If so, when do you think it will be released?

Actually, at the moment, there are two under construction! (Hence the no time for traveling *G*) I'm writing a book in a continuity series for Harlequin about a mystery aboard a cruise ship. The series is called Mediterranean Nights, and my book is #8. The title is Full Exposure and will be released in January '08 (yes, that's 2008...oy!) I'm also working on the fourth of my 24 Hour books -- Grady's story. No official title, but the release date won't be until spring of '08, because of tight production schedules. That means I'll have a gap in 2007, but then two books out in 2008...with hopefully more to follow closer together. (fingers crossed). I have more ideas than I have time to write them. I'm not a fast writer, and it takes my subconscious a while to percolate everything. Plus, I had a few health issues last year and a surgery that really slowed me down. But I'm bouncing back and striving to get things out quicker.

When your not writing, what do you do for fun?

Much to my family's dismay, I am a home decorating junkie. I paint rooms the way other folks change their undies. It's great therapy. Once when I was having trouble deciding on the right shade, my living room wall was a different color every day for an entire week when my hubby got home from work. LOL! When the fam sees those little paint swatches taped on things, they scream and run. I had two new light fixtures delivered the other day for my kitchen, and my hubby -- who was taking the day off of work --suddenly decided he needed to go into work and do some equipment maintenance. The coward. LOL! I record every decorating program on HGTV for my relaxing time, and subscribe to a jillion decorating magazines. I also love to watch movies -- mostly action or romantic comedies. I have two daughters and two part-time foster children -- three of whom are teenagers -- and two cats and a dog...they all keep me hopping. As if that weren't enough, my oldest daughter is getting married next fall, so we have only just jumped on the wedding planning bandwagon. I also love to garden, but it's surrendered to the weeds while the rest of my life is so busy. *G* And let's not forget the reading...hundreds of books waiting for me!

Do you have any advice to give to fellow aspiring writers about getting noticed?

Hang in there, and don't give up. It took me five years and over a hundred rejections (38 alone on the book that finally sold: Bulletproof Bride) before I published. Learn everything you can about your craft. Take workshops, talk to other writers, and read, read, read! You can learn something from almost every book out there, whether good, bad or ugly! I happened to get "discovered" through a writer's contest, which is a good way to bypass the slush pile -- though again, it literally took me a hundred contests to final! Join Romance Writers of America and/or your local affiliate, if you can. They provide so much help and information! Treat your writing seriously, like a "real" job, or nobody else will. Don't let anyone squash your dreams!

Thank you for taking your time to read my email. I hope that you find the time to answer my questions. Look forward to reading your next work.
You're quite welcome, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I'm chatting with readers at eHarlequin all month, and there's still some time left to join in. I hope you'll pop by the boards to say hi. There's a link on my website:

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